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AKIV Yoga Mat 5mm (Expected restock delivery - 14 days)

AKIV Yoga Mat 5mm (Expected restock delivery - 14 days)

Regular price HK$688
Regular price HK$764 Sale price HK$688
Sale Sold out

Tailor Made Process:

1) 首先,請透過 Whatsapp 67222989 發送標誌或名稱。
2) 其次,我們將再次確認您的要求。
3) 第三,請等待14天以處理訂單。

1) First, please send the logo or name via Whatsapp 67222989.

2) Second, we will confirm your request again.

3) Third, wait 14 days for the order to be processed.

注意: 字數上限制為20字
如超過20字,可以聯絡 Whatsapp 67222989 相討或另行報價。

Note: Maximum limit of 20 characters. If exceeding 20 characters, please contact Whatsapp 67222989 for further discussion or a separate quotation."



This mat features a natural rubber base with a little extra cushion to give your body more depth while your mind goes deep.Please provide relevant patterns, fronts and formats emails to us

材料 / Materials

  • 我們創新的抓地力頂層可吸收水分,幫助您在高汗訓練中保持腳踏實地 

  • GRS 認證的天然橡膠底座為您提供緩沖和紋理抓地力,適合低汗練習

  •  Our innovative grippy top layer absorbs moisture to help you stay grounded in high-sweat practices

  •  A sustainably sourced and GRS-certified natural rubber base gives you cushioning and textured grip for low-sweat practices

保養說明 / Care Instructions

  • 顏色可能會隨著時間而改變。使用後,用天然清潔劑擦拭墊子並避免陽光直射
  • 墊子會有輕微的氣味,會隨著時間的推移而消失——展開並在使用前讓其自然通風
  • 尺寸:68 厘米 x 180 厘米,5 毫米
  • 重量:2.8kg
  • Colour may change over time. After use, wipe mat down with a natural cleanser and store out of direct sunlight
  • Mat will have a slight smell that will fade over time—unroll and let it air out before use
  • Dimensions: 68cm x 180cm , 5mm 
  • Weight: 2.8kg 


No return or refund after the order is confirmed and made.
If there is any quieries or uncertain, please feel free to let us know before placing the order. We are eager to accomdate your needs.
*There may be color differences in the photos, and there may be discrepancies between the actual item and viewing it through a screen.





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